Renato H. de Gaspi

Political Economy and Development


I am currently a Senior Associate Researcher and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Net Zero Industrial Policy Lab at Johns Hopkins University, working on the possibilities for Green Industrial Policy for Latin America, especially in Brazil and Mexico.

Before that, I was a Lecturer at Boston University's Pardee School of Global Studies.

I have a PhD in Political Science at Central European University, when I worked on the Political Economy of Development and Industrial Policies in Latin American democracies.

My work has focused on the question: "what are the political conditions that enable and/or constrain industrial policies and development strategies in middle-income democracies?". I have mostly focused on how 'developmental alliances' are brokered by governments to support their intended development strategy.

In my years as a PhD Candidate, I have done fieldwork in Brazil and Chile and have had visiting research positions at King's College London and at Universidad Diego Portales in Santiago.

Part of my work has been published at Third World Quarterly, Regulation and Governance, and Development and Change.

[email protected]

Renato H. de Gaspi

Political Economist

Senior Associate Researcher at the Net Zero Industrial Policy Lab

Johns Hopkins University

Curriculum vitae